Orange County Board Of Education Votes For Kids To Return To Classes In Fall - No Matter What

The board did not, however, require the use of masks or social distancing. In fact, it advised against the measures.

The first line of this article pretty much sums this foolishness up:

A California county wants its kids back in schools no matter what -- and won't require masks or social distancing to get them there.

But, because their recommendations were mere guidelines, and non-binding, each non-insane school district can decide what's appropriate, and what is reckless and dangerous.

And as you probably know, or could guess, Orange County is among the most Republican of any of the larger counties in California. The gap is dwindling though, precisely because of foolishness like this.

Source: CNN

A California county wants its kids back in schools no matter what -- and won't require masks or social distancing to get them there.

The Orange County Board of Education in California approved its recommendations on Monday for the reopening of schools in the fall. The board voted 4-1 to approve a set of guidelines for schools to follow, including regular temperature checks, frequent hand washing and thorough cleanings of classrooms, offices and buses.

The board did not, however, require the use of masks or social distancing. In fact, it advised against the measures.

"K-12 children represent the lowest-risk cohort for Covid-19. Because of that fact, social distancing of children and reduced census classrooms is not necessary and therefore not recommended," read the board's recommendations, contained in a white paper.

"Requiring children to wear masks during school is not only difficult -- if not impossible to implement -- but not based on science. It may even be harmful and is therefore not recommended," it said.

The board noted that these recommendations were merely guidelines, not "laws" or "even rules." It will be up to the individual school districts on how they want to go about having their students return for in-person classes.

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