A Panicked Lindsey Graham Defends Trump As A 'Too Busy General'

Lindsey Graham's soul is just gone, folks.

Lindsey Graham looks terrified. He should be.

And his only option, he thinks, is to double down and back Trump harder.

He turned to Trump's favorite show, Fox and Friends, to discuss Russia paying bounties on the heads of US Marines.

Lindsey thinks the fact that Trump shut his eyes to the issue is no big deal. You don't bother the "Commander in Chief" with such trifles!

"'You don't tell the President Of The United States everything you would tell a second lieutenant." says the Senator from South Carolina.

If Obama did it, Lindsey.

Salon points out that moving goalposts for Trump has become Lindsey's full-time occupation:

As the coronavirus pandemic spread and death tolls increased across the United States over the last three months, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., repeatedly raised the number of deaths he would find acceptable in defense of President Donald Trump's botched response.

The longtime senator, who now chairs the Judiciary Committee, has unexpectedly found himself in a dead heat with Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison, and Graham's obsequious praise of Trump throughout the coronavirus pandemic might be to blame.

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