Rush Limbaugh Promotes 'Herd Immunity' Over Masks

Isn't Rush in a high-risk group?

Cancer patient with great insurance Rush Limbaugh stays on brand. Transcript via Media Matters:

RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): They're not reporting the number of deaths per million. In other words, they're not reporting the survivability rate. The answer here: Don't mandate closures, don't mandate social dist-- don't even mandate mask-wearing. Encourage people who are old or who have a compromised immune system to stay quarantined, stay hidden away, do not go out. But let the young and the healthy go out and live their lives. Go ahead and live their lives and spread herd immunity because that's ultimately, until we get therapeutics or a vaccine, herd immunity is going to be the answer to this.

Only one thing to say and my better half said it.

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