Tom Cotton: Oregon Protestors Are 'Insurrectionists' Like Confederate Soldiers

Tom Cotton is confusing. Republicans WANT confederate flags, don't they?

A reminder that Traitor Tom Cotton has ALREADY visited New Hampshire in preparation for a 2024 run for President.

So the Republican Party has THAT going for it.

Let's be sure to dig deep into the Crooks and Liars archive for that campaign. Like the time Cotton blamed Social Security benefits for heroin addiction.

But I digress. Today on Fox and Friends, Tom Cotton forgot how much of today's politics is between people who want to stop honoring slaveowners, and those who think Confederate flags and monuments are a critical part of their white heritage. That second group is defined as "The Republican Party."

So when Tom Cotton decides to paint the protestors in Oregon as "insurrectionists" much like those who seceeded from the Union in the 1860's?

TOM COTTON: These insurrectionists in the streets of Portland are little different from the insurrectionists who seceded from the union in 1861 in South Carolina, and tried to take over Fort Sumter.

You're crossing the streams, Tom!

Antifa! Antifa! You're supposed to call them Antifa!

Whoopsie. Your President, Tom:

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