Is Trump Falling For The Fake Pandemic Or Playing 11-Dimensional Chess? Wingnuts Can't Decide!

Yesterday, Trump announced that the portions of the Republican National Convention that he abruptly switched to Jacksonville, Florida, won't take place there after all.

Yesterday, Trump announced that the portions of the Republican National Convention that he abruptly switched to Jacksonville, Florida, won't take place there after all.

President Donald Trump announced Thursday that there will not be Republican convention activities in Jacksonville, Florida....

"I looked at my team and I said the timing for this event is not right. It's just not right," Trump said at the White House. "To have a big convention, it's not the right time."

"There's nothing more important in our country than keeping our people safe," Trump said.

He said he would still deliver a convention speech but in a "different form."

Trump pulled the convention (or at least its main events) from Charlotte, North Carolina, in a snit in early June, after the Democratic governor expressed health concerns about the indoor event. On June 11, he announced that the main events would take place in Jacksonville. It was reported this week that that wasn't enough time for the city and county to prepare, especially given the pandemic, as well as the unprofessionalism of Trump's party, which can't even offer a schedule of events.

The sheriff of Jacksonville, Fla., said he can’t provide security for the Republican National Convention because of a lack of clear plans, adequate funding and enough law enforcement officers.

“As we're talking today, we are still not close to having some kind of plan that we can work with that makes me comfortable that we're going to keep that event and the community safe,” Duval County Sheriff Mike Williams told POLITICO....

Williams said the event, scheduled for Aug. 24-27, was announced in June, giving his agency little time to plan and prepare. The Republican National Committee has not yet nailed down which convention events will be at which venues, making it more challenging. And a pledged $50 million grant has been paired back to $33 million and, Williams said, there are strings attached that make letting contracts too difficult.

Jacksonville's city council president expressed his opposition to the convention this week. Polls showed that a majority of Jacksonville residents also opposed holding the convention in their city.

At Free Republic, many commenters are in despair -- they're certain that the president is falling for a hoax.

Trump is compromised.

Well, I am shocked he lasted as long as he did.

Goodbye America.


So now he is playing into the hoax narrative.

This is what the DNC wanted.

Very disappointed.


I think that Trump is way too gullible. It is obvious that the numbers of dead are way off. False information.

People died of the flu, pneumonia and the chinese virus plus anyone with the virus but died of others causes including to much to drink .55 <-8 times over the legal limit, and shot and getting hit by a car.

Next he will call off the debates and knuckle under to the democrats.


The GOPee has a [anit-Trump] Death Wish that they are acting on.

The GOPee face the abyss of obsolescence similar to the NFL.


The primary goal of the Democrat-Media-Oligarch "COVID Southern Strategy" has now been achieved.

The "record cases!!!" panic (with almost NO deaths) was brilliantly engineered by the Uniparty globalists to stop ANY Trump rallies or convention, and keep Biden in his basement -- including NO IN PERSON DEBATES -- to deny Trump the target his campaign style demands.

Pray, folks. With tech overlords in full co-op, we are in big, BIG trouble.


The odds of dying from Corona Virus is 0.005.
The odds of dying in an auto accident is 0.014.

You have a bigger chance of getting killed in a car than from this Chinese flu. Yet, no one is shutting down cars!


He cancelled Jacksonville for "safety". What's next? Mail in voting?


Florida has 2 million more people than NY, but the same number of COVID deaths as tiny Connecticut.

If Gov. Ron DeSantis was a Democrat, the NYTimes would be championing him as a national hero and Democrats would be touting him for president


Democrat plan worked. They made Florida the epicenter because he chose there. if he chooses another place it will be the next outbreak.

But at Gateway Pundit, most commenters think this was a chess move of unqualified brilliance:

Antifa and BLM must be disappointed, they don't get to destroy Jacksonville.


I think you NAILED it! I have a huge suspicion that was the real reason, the shamdemic was just a cover!


Showing how much he loves our country and people. He didn't want more destruction where "they" were looking forward to destroying a city that wasn't Democratic as all others have been so far.


Funny, I seem to be hearing some loud whaling from some in DC & elsewhere, yelling "He foiled us again"!


Decisions like this are almost always multi-faceted. I think this is a wise move on Trump's part -- he's taking some of the wind out of Antifa and BLM's sails, and preventing the media from creating unnecessary diversions by whining about the convention.


Look for antifa and blm "supplies" going real cheap on craigslist now in Jacksonville.


Nothing to do with COVID. President Trump is improving in the poles and does not need to give the Ds any chance to upstage the convention. They are trying to create a Kent State event to turn public opinion against him.


I would have to say that we are a nation at war, I have no doubt that the left has plans to ramp up the violence, murder, and mayhem. In these times, I get very concerned when Trump is in public. like a rally or convention. They are gunning for him, literally.


It is entirely possible someone takes a shot.

In this environment it is actually surprising that it hasn't yet happened.


Oh they have... Even with a missile. They scope out the area weeks in advance and place lookouts and snipers all over.

He's well protected.


Yeah, but no one has called for defunding the Secret Service, yet.


Given the level of Obama infiltration, I don't think any government agency can be trusted now.


Trump had to open back up these moronic pressers and cancel the convention to garner votes from the "Mushy Middle" and the hysterical housewives. That's a fact Jack. That includes canceling the convention. The Leftist media can't have even a small box of ammo for the next three months! It's a sad thing to watch, but it's got to be done.


Yep the housewives have gone bananas. I hate to sound sexist but I can see why the framers kept women from voting. Not saying its right.....but I understand!


When you have no skin in the game it all boils down to emotion. Madison et al knew what they were doing.


Spot on. It is all about the female vote.

The 19th amendment will eventually doom this nation, but hopefully not yet.

So is Trump one of the sheeple now? Or is he playing 11-dimensional chess against Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the media, and (ick!) women (who shouldn't vote)?

You decide!

Posted with permission from No More Mr. Nice Blog

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