It's Time For 'Trump Stooge' Susan Collins To Go
The Lincoln Project's new ad that will be airing in Maine, 'Trump Stooge.'
Maine has a long history of independent Senators who, when necessary, have bucked their party and done the right thing for Maine and the country. Margaret Chase Smith called out Joseph McCarthy in the 1950's, another Republican Senator directly on the senate floor in her famous 'Declaration of Conscience.' In a time of national upheaval, she stood up.
Alas, Maine doesn't have a Republican Senator with integrity who will speak out this time. They have Susan Collins. And we are all the poorer as a result.
You can do a lot better than this, Maine.
100 days. 16 counties. 1 future senator from Maine. Let’s make these next 100 days count and send @SaraGideon to the Senate. Sign up to get involved:
— Team Gideon (@TeamGideon2020) July 26, 2020
Some responses.
As long as I live, I will never forgive Susan Collins for allowing Brett Kavanaugh to become a Supreme Court Justice. Anyone with me?
— Andrea Junker (@Strandjunker) July 29, 2020
She’s going to be extremely troubled by this ad. 🤔
— Jo (@JoJoFromJerz) July 29, 2020
I found this yesterday while packing. Susan Collins ain’t it.
— ValleyLinds (@Valleylinds) July 29, 2020