Anderson Cooper: ‘Ever Heard Someone Whine As Much’ As Trump?
Mango Mussolini is losing his luster.
During his Tuesday monologue, CNN's Anderson Cooper took Stable Genius to task for saying the 160,000 US coronavirus deaths "is what it is" and that Covid-19 is under control.
That last claim flabbergasted the CNN host: “Mr. President, no, it is not. It is not under control and certainly not as much as you can control it.”
Cooper chided Trump for his self-centeredness. “For a man who seems to have strength and power, have you heard someone as allegedly powerful and strong as he claims to be — have you ever heard someone whine as much as this man?”
And Trump's so-called leadership, particularly to those Republicans who believe and follow his every word? Cooper called his lies to those particular people, criminal.
COOPER: An entire block of your voters think that mask mandates are an affront to personal freedom. And this president has encouraged that thinking. If it was anybody other than the president of the United States doing that, you would think, 'that’s criminal.'