Dr. Fauci Dismisses Criticisms From Tucker Carlson But Says Carlson Inspires 'The Crazies'

Recent death threats to Dr. Fauci and his family had him calling out those who trigger the less stable in society, like Fox's Tucker Carlson.

Dr. Anthony Fauci may have scoffed at the notion of him and members of his family needing a security detail, in large part because of what Trump or people in the media like Tucker Carlson have said about him, but it does say a lot about where we're at, as Fauci himself says.

Source: The Hill

“Does it bother you? On a humane level, do you feel threatened or concerned when you see that kind of thing floating out there?” Edgers asked Fauci.

“I’m not concerned about what he says,” Fauci said. “It’s a little bit — I think you could say that when he does that, it triggers some of the crazies in society to start threatening me, actually threatening, which actually happens.

“I mean, who would have [guessed] when I was in medical school doing things to save people’s lives, I’d have to be going around with a security detail?” he continued. “That’s really ridiculous.”

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