Fox And Friends Ignores USPS Friday Night Massacre To Concern Troll About Voting By Mail
Matthew Whitaker tries to pretend he cares about voter safety and postal service operations.
The wheels are spinning smoothly, all the parts working together as planned. Trump's State TV concern-trolls the Postal Service about not being able to handle an election wherein a massive portion of the population votes by mail, when just the night before Trump's hand-picked toady executes a Friday night massacre purging 23 long-time postal executives in a "structural reorganization."
Matthew Whitaker, who failed up into the U.S. Attorney General's position for half-a-Scaramucci, appears on Fox and Friends to express his concern that there would be confusion about deadlines and such if mail-in-voting was made available — let alone encouraged — for most Americans. He and the hosts bemoaned the inefficiency of the Post Office's operations and business models, failing to mention the measures brand new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has taken to sabotage the postal system in the last few weeks, or the Friday night massacre that that took place.
Riiiight. Because the republic has never survived an election wherein the vote wasn't known by the next morning. And voting by mail isn't NEW, Matty. It's not "playing around" with how we vote. It's simply allowing more people to do what millions of people do already.
Then he worries that we might get all confused.
You know what is safe? Voting by mail. I cannot catch COVID-19 from my mailbox breathing on me. Now, perhaps many of FOX'S viewers are easily confused about what constitutes safety, fraud, and what is good for our republic, but the rest of us know exactly what needs to be done.
Don't forget to go to to check your registration to make sure it is up-to-date, correct, and get the latest on the status of voting-by-mail in your state.