Fox Follows Trump In Desperate Attack On Biden: 'Mentally Impaired'

Fox's Kilmeade actually has the gall to say this about Joe Biden: "This Is no time for someone that can't find a vowel in a sentence, let alone make a coherent statement on policy."

A running theme over on Fox "news," a.k.a. State-TV, or Trump-TV for months on end now has been to try to project one of Trump's biggest problems -- the fact that the man babbles incoherently and has trouble pronouncing so many words that I've lost count of how many of these gaffes he's made -- which has caused many have questioned whether he's suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer's or has some other sort of cognitive issue -- and accuse his opponent Joe Biden of the same thing.

The Daily Show did a brilliant parody of their projection this week with a mash-up of just a few of those gaffes:

transcript of Biden's response to the question on China that Fox took out of context in a disgusting attempt to paint him as mentally impaired:
LULU GARCIA-NAVARRO: President Trump is not the first president to say China is ripping off the United States. President Obama made similar complaints. Some have said Trump's stance is a good one to counter China's influence. Would you keep the tariffs?

JOE BIDEN: No. Hey, look, who said Trump's idea is a good one? Who said Trump's idea is a good one?


JOE BIDEN: Some. Two or three people. Manufacturing has gone in recession. Agriculture lost billions of dollars that taxpayers had to pay.

We're going after China in the wrong way. China is stealing intellectual property. China is conditioning being able to do business in China based on whether or not you have 51% Chinese ownership. That's got to end.

I've spent a fair amount of time when I was vice president with President Xi, because the president wanted me to get to know him. He's no democrat with a small D at all. But here's the deal. I made it real clear--

LULU GARCIA-NAVARRO: So if he scraps those tariffs, what do you want in return? Or are you just going to scrap them without any concessions?

JOE BIDEN: No, no, no. Here's the deal. The question is, what is the appropriate behavior that they have to engage in in international trade with us? And they have to play by the international rules.

And what we have done is we have disarmed ourselves. We make up 25% of the world's economy. But we poked our finger in the eye of all of our allies out there.

The way Trump-- the way China will respond is when we gather the rest of the world that in fact [INAUDIBLE] in open trade, and making sure that we're in a position that the world-- that we deal with WHO the right way. In fact, that's when things began to change. That's when China-- that's when China's behavior is going to change.

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