Religious Hypocrite Huckabee Declares 'People Of Faith' Can't Support Biden-Harris

Going back to the old reliable right wing vomit.

Mike Huckabee (daughter worked for Trump White House) and Matt Schlapp (wife currently works at Trump 2020) do their duty to keep the family employed by smearing the "abortion at birth!" lie all over discussion of faith and John Kasich. Kasich has endorsed Joe Biden. First up Huckabee played a Kasich clip:

JOHN KASICH (video clip): Mike Huckabee said the other day in part "I don't know anybody, people of faith, who think Joe Biden is a great choice." Faith is a matter of your personal relationship, and so, I don't know why that's been said about Joe. I think he is a man of faith. I don't think anybody can speak for the entire faith community and try to, try to say that this person is good and that person isn't. (end clip)

HUCKABEE: You know, I've known John Kasich for a number of years, and I'm really disappointed he is letting his personal pain over being bested by Donald Trump four years ago turn him into a bitter and vengeful voice of never Trumper-ism. Four years ago when he was the sitting Governor of Ohio, he refused to so much as offer a welcome to his faith at the Republican National Convention, but this time he's pledged he's going to speak at this year's Democratic Convention. Four years ago, he, like all of us who ran in the Republican primary, publicly pledged, even signed a document, that he would support the GOP nominee. He was dishonest about that, as well.

[Note: Donald Trump also backed away from his signed pledge to support the GOP nominee. But Huckabee viewers are stupid, and Mike Huckabee knows it.]

Now, he says he's going to vote for a candidate who is for pro taxpayer-funded abortion. Who is for same-sex marriage and who would force the Little Sisters of the Poor, the Catholic Nuns, to provide birth control and abortion pill coverage in their health care package. Biden is such a devout Catholic that he was the denied communion on the campaign trail last year, [by a total wingnut "priest" -- eds.] and his choice of Kamala Harris as vice president, no champion of issues that Christians and people of faith really care about. This is the same woman who last year implied that a federal judicial nominee, membership in the Knights of Columbus, disqualified him from even sitting on the bench. Joining me now, Matt Schlapp, american conservative union chair. Matt, how can Joe Biden call himself a man of faith and bring on someone like Kamala Harris?

MATT SCHLAPP: Yeah, this is a real problem, governor. If you look at the record of Kamala Harris while she's been in the Senate, she had a hostility toward Catholic nominees for the federal bench, her other Trump positions, we are back to the time hundred years ago when Catholics need not apply. She asked various Catholic nominees if they knew the Knights of Columbus was a male-only institution, that believes in traditional marriage, that believed in the rights of the unborn, or she characterized it, stood up against the reproductive rights of women. Which she is basically saying with these questions is that if you are a person of faith, if you're a devout Catholic, and if you take the dogmas of the church seriously, biblically-based, that you are not qualified to sit on the bench. Now, that runs counter to the history of this country and our constitutional order, which says there's no religious test in order to serve in this government, and this is bigotry, these questions were bigoted, and there's no room -- and Joe Biden shouldn't just not just go along with this, he should have called this type of bigotry out.

Huckabee: I want us to watch this, Kamala Harris also used her position as Attorney General of California to punish Planned Parenthood's enemies. Right here.

[CLIP] DAVID DALEIDEN: While she was running for US Senate, while Planned Parenthood in California was contributing to her political campaign, did she recuse herself from the Planned Parenthood investigation? No, she didn't. She consciously and willfully involved herself directly and personally in the Planned Parenthood case. She had an in-person meeting with six Planned Parenthood executives from California in Los Angeles two weeks before the raid on my apartment. [end clip]

[Yes THAT David Daleiden, who faked videos of abortion providers, slandered Planned Parenthood, and was convicted by a Texas jury. His apartment was raided by the FEDERAL Department of Justice.]

Huckabee: Matt, we only have about 30 seconds, so I've got to really squeeze you on time, but how do you react to what she did today with it?

Schlapp: Well, it's this hunger to make sure that abortion is always kept legal. You know, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris road believe in no restrictions on abortion at any time, even when the baby is born, it can still be killed. Joe Biden now believes that the parishioners he attends church with at St. Joseph's church and his pastor should pay for these abortions all across this country. It's really radical stuff. They say "my body, my choice." what I say to them is "our soul, my soul, my choice." allow Catholics and Christians to practice their faith fully. It's what makes America a special place.

Huckabee: Matt, we've got to go. Matt Schlapp, thank you. One of my favorites, Matt Schlapp. We will be right back.

Of course, Matt Schlapp was also one of the Brooks Brothers rioters who helped stop the recount in Broward County Florida that stole the 2000 election for George W. Bush. You'd think he'd check out his Catholicism for bans on theft and bearing false witness. Ten Commandments stuff!

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