Law Professor Makes Opening Statement Against Breonna Taylor's Killers In Imagined Trial
Prof. Paul Butler argues brilliantly in a trial that SHOULD be happening, but is not. Because Breonna Taylor's killers still have not been arrested, even though we know exactly who and where they are.
It has been more than six months since 26-year-old Breonna Taylor was shot to death during a no-knock warrant executed in the middle of the night by police in Louisville, KY. We know who the people are who shot so many bullets around her apartment and her neighbor's that they had to stop to reload their weapons. And yet, they are free. No charges have been brought against the three police officers.
They enjoy complete freedom while Ms. Taylor's boyfriend and her family have a chasm in their lives that will never be filled.
Well, frequent MSNBC legal analyst, and Georgetown Law professor, Paul Butler, knows it should not be that way. He released a video of what would be his opening argument in front of a judge and jury, if justice prevailed. If Breonna Taylor's killers were arrested. Charged. Brought to trial. Judged by a jury. And it is a thing of deep, abiding idealism. What we could accomplish if justice were appropriately meted out.
It's ten minutes long so I am not going to include the transcript here. Trust, though — it's powerful, compelling, and absolutely unassailable. Watch it yourself. I promise. If you were on that jury, he would have you on his side by the end of it.