Maureen Dowd And The NYT Completely Forget A Woman Was On The Ticket In 2016
The pathological Hillary-hater got Twitter-slammed for writing a column in which she stated it's been 36 years since a presidential ticket included a man and a woman.
Twitter, why are you so mean?
Poor Maureen.
The NYT is broken.
— Tom Watson (@tomwatson) August 8, 2020
She forgot about 2016.
For the New York Times, times are lean.
They need more fact-checkers to run their machine.
4 years. It’s been 4 years. Only the dynamic duo of Maureen Dowd and the NYT could erase the last election, where a woman got more votes than not only the other guy, but more votes than nearly anyone in the history of American elections. Gimme a break is right.
— Nick Merrill (@NickMerrill) August 8, 2020
If Joe Biden picks a Black woman as his running mate, will Maureen Dowd write an article about how that's the first time an African American has been on a Presidential ticket?
— JRehling (@JRehling) August 8, 2020
How hard must Hillary work to be seen?
Whatever DID she do to Maureen?
Is it envy that makes her so green?
In case you were wondering, in the entire article there’s no mention of Hillary & Tim Kaine. So it wasn’t just a bad tweet or awkward phrasing — this article by Maureen Dowd claims a man & woman haven’t run together on a Dem presidential ticket in 36 years, & the NYT just ran it.
— JERRY DUNLEAVY (@JerryDunleavy) August 8, 2020
The sexism on display is obscene.
Dowd gets PAID for this tragic routine.
Media Matters analyzed 195 columns by Maureen Dowd since November 1993 containing significant mentions of @HillaryClinton...over **140 columns** were negative.
The @NYTimes has given Dowd a platform to hurl largely sexist attacks at 1 person for decades.— Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) August 8, 2020
Just *some* of the nasty sexist things Maureen Dowd has written about Hillary:
“Shifty.” “Manly girl.” “Dominatrix.” “Creepy.” “Unlikeable.” “Calculating.” Said she ran as “a man.” Said she campaigned like a “woman trying to trap a husband.” Said she “refused to be discarded.”— Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) August 8, 2020
to be clear, this isn't the fault of NYT's social media team. the error comes directly from Maureen Dowd. the error also eluded the opinion editors.
there's not a single mention of Clinton/Kaine 2016 in the entire article.— tsar becket adams (@BecketAdams) August 8, 2020
Defenders of Hillary's lean
On the press not to repeat the scene
That gave us this Trumpy rapine.
Maureen Dowd's personal and specific hatred of Hillary Clinton has had a measurably bad effect on our nation's trajectory.
— David M. Perry (@Lollardfish) August 8, 2020
They've issued a correction.
NOW we get to play "Why does a man choosing a woman for VEEP represent progress but a woman being ON THE TOP OF TICKET somehow does not?"— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) August 8, 2020
But the last word will go to our Queen.
Either @TimKaine and I had a very vivid shared hallucination four years ago or Maureen had too much pot brownie before writing her column again.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 8, 2020
With shade like that, who needs sunscreen?