Paul Begala Tells Dems To Focus On Trump's Threat To Destroy Social Security
If Dems effectively communicate to people that Donald Trump proposed cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security in his last two budgets, they will win, Paul Begala said.
On This Week, George Stephanopolous asked Paul Begala if Democrats risk overplaying their hands in the stimulus negotiations,
"No. No. People are hurting," Begala said.
"And people want help. I mean, it's music to my ears, when Alice accuses the Democrats of being Santa Claus, I mean, my God, they don't need Santa Claus, they need emergency responders. And in fact, there's one thread on this that I think Democrats really have to focus on. And God bless Joe Biden, he did, and that's Social Security, right?
"Last night Joe sent out a tweet, and he said this, today, 'Donald Trump stated that if re-elected he'll undermine the entire financial footing of Social Security.' This cessation, suspension of the payroll tax would cut the funding of Social Security, which is already being cut, of course, because of the recession. We're collecting less revenue in payroll taxes. So when you -- when you do that, you're cutting Social Security.
"Democrats need to know this in their bones," he insisted.
"They need to have this in their cells, in the cytoplasm of their cells. They need to know that if they communicate to people that Donald Trump, in his last two budgets, proposed cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid by $2 trillion, now he's doing it again as part of a so-called emergency covid package, that he's bragged about it again and again.
"I mean I'm sorry to be Nostradamus, but I had this -- I had this in my book. There's an entire chapter about Trump wanting to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. And I tell the Democrats, that chapter is called, 'This Chapter Will Beat Trump, I Guarantee It.' Joe Biden seems to knows that, that's why he jumped all over that last night."
Taking Trump literally make a lot more sense than I previously thought, because this weekend, I read "The Grifters Club," a book about Trump and Mar-A-Lago. And one of the long-time members explained that Trump has no actual ideology, he just believes in catering to the desires of the people who pay the bills.
And since he's funded by the DeVos family, Charles Koch, and every other right-wing billionaire extremist, they're his customers and he'll do what they tell him to do -- period.