Professor Allan Lichtman, Who's Always Right, Predicts Biden Will Win. But...
He was one of the few forecasters who projected Trump would win in 2016, while also correctly predicting Trump would be impeached as president.
He could be right -- but this is 2020, where just about anything could happen (and has), so I'm not betting the bank. Via USAToday:
WASHINGTON – American University Professor Allan Lichtman, who is well-known for accurately predicting American presidential elections, says former Vice President Joe Biden will beat President Donald Trump in the November election.
Lichtman, a political historian who has correctly predicted the outcomes of all presidential elections since 1984, with an asterisk, was one of the few forecasters who projected in 2016 Trump would become the 45th president while also correctly predicting Trump would be impeached as president.
He uses a "13 key factors" system he designed to decide who will emerge victorious. It includes factors like the advantage of incumbency, long and short-term economic figures, scandals, social unrest, and more.
"The keys predict that Trump will lose the White House," Lichtman stated Wednesday in a New York Times video op-ed.
Nice to hear, but I'm not counting on it. And neither should you.