Republicans Scramble To Control The Narrative About Senate Intelligence Report

"This was Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton and Ben Sasse and John Cornyn saying, yes, the Trump campaign worked with Russia and they should have been investigated," Claire McCaskill said.

Good to see coverage of yesterday's Senate Intelligence report about Russian collaboration with Donald Trump.

Joe Scarborough called the Republicans trying to cover up the meaning as "useful idiots" for Vladimir Putin, using the Steele dossier as a distraction.

"As if that one part of this investigation would somehow distract from the mountains and mountains of damning evidence," he said.

"I just have to say it again, from the mountains and mountains of devastating evidence that Donald Trump lied to Robert Mueller, committed perjury under oath. He had time to think through it and still committed that. Then again, that you go through all of these people, foreign policy adviser lied about contacts with Russia, his national security adviser lied about contacts with Russia, his campaign chairman lied about contacts with Russia, his deputy campaign chairman lied under oath, all of them, under oath about contacts with Russia, his personal lawyer lied about contacts with Russia under oath, his political consultant lied about contacts with Russia under oath, and his attorney general lied before Congress under oath, and, of course, yesterday Republicans concluded that the president of the United States lied under oath to federal investigators about his campaign's contacts with Russia.

"Boy, that's some hoax, Claire," he said.

"I really wish we would refer to this report in a different way. I would like to say 'Tom Cotton says that the Trump campaign manager was working with a Russian agent. Ben Sasse says of course, the government should have been investigating what was going on in the Trump campaign. John Cornyn says yes, Carter Page was doing suspicious things that warranted him being looked at by the people in the U.S. government because of his activities with Russia,' " she said.

"This is a damning report. If it was issued in isolation without all the other noise that Trump creates, with all of his scandal, it would blow the lid off Washington, D.C. But because of when it's being issued and everything that's come before it, my fear is people won't realize that this was Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton and Ben Sasse and John Cornyn saying, yes, the Trump campaign worked with Russia and they should have been investigated."

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