Smoke Shop Aunt Karen Gets Refused Service

Mask-denying miscreant gets her comeuppance. This is how you deal with a Karen.

Some pure comedy gold. This is how you deal with these mask-denying miscreants. Pure pwnage.

Karen: There's no law.

Cashier: Ma'am, there's a sign that says 'Mask Required.'

Karen: (shaking her head) There's no law.

Cashier: Why are you making me ---

Karen: There's no law.

Cashier: I don't care if there's no law.

Karen: (showing some bullshit paper) You cannot require me to wear a mask.

Cashier: You know that's all bullshit, right? I have a lady that comes in here with an oxygen tank and she still wears a face mask.

Karen: (confused) Read this.

Cashier: I don't care what that says.

Karen: Are you gonna serve me or not?

Cashier: Nope. (nice popping sound)

Karen: (Angrily folds her bullshit paper.)

Cashier: Keep shaking.

Karen: You are an asshole!

Cashier: I sure am!... I am what I eat!

Karen: Asshole!

Cashier: (Ric Flair-like) Whoo!

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