Stable Genius Considered ‘Settling’ Mueller Investigation
Wait, what? Yep, the idiot in chief thought he could "settle the case" with Mueller.

Prznint Stupid thought he could deal with The Little Kremlin-on-the-Potomac investigation like a lawsuit from a common porn star:
One of the crazy nuggets in a deeply reported book by the N.Y. Times’ Michael Schmidt — “Donald Trump v. the United States,” out tomorrow — is that President Trump mulled the idea of “settling” with special counsel Robert Mueller.
What he’s saying: “At one point, as the investigation seemed to be intensifying,” Schmidt writes, Trump told White House counsel Don McGahn “that there was nothing to worry about because if it was zeroing in on him, he would simply settle with Mueller. He would settle the case, as if he were negotiating terms in a lawsuit.”
Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors