Tacky Melania Desecrates White House Rose Garden

Proving once again that she has absolutely no taste, Melania Trump completely demolished the Rose Garden

Remember Melania Trump's all red Christmas decorations that was basically a ripoff of the Handmaid's Tale? Well, the Tacky First Lady has struck again, this time utterly desecrating the White House Rose Garden, leaving her tasteless, vengeful, ugly stink on everything she touches.

Twitter was aghast at the truly awful design.

What is used to look like:

A nice side by side, showing the original glory of trees and tulips, lush from decades of love and attention. Now? Cold and sterile with no love or thought - a nice description of Melania herself.

She is so proud of the ugliness. The lack of self-reflection is truly something to behold with this family.

Simpler times.

Good point, Tony.

Another angle from outside the White House.

With Joy Reid reminding us.

MITH just about summed it up.


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