Tucker Carlson Calls Dr. Fauci Just Another 'Oily Politician' — Using 4-Month Old Video As Proof

Try not to be shocked, but Carlson lies his frikkin face off with nearly every sentence he spits, including using misleading, four-month-old video to try to slander Dr. Anthony Fauci.

On Friday, Dr. Anthony Fauci gave an interview in which he was asked about Tucker Carlson's frequent and absurd criticism of him. Dr. Fauci said that he basically doesn't watch Carlson's show, nor does he pay him any attention at all, but that Carlson does seem to "trigger the crazies," some of whom act out in the form of death threats — resulting in the surreal spectacle of his needing security.

As if on cue, Carlson spent precious airtime Friday night trashing Dr. Fauci for appearing on the cover of a magazine by a pool, and went so far as to call him an "oily politician." Oh, but the projection is strong with our Tucker, isn't it?

CARLSON: In Washington, they live in a city with guaranteed full employment, always and forever, thanks to the federal government, and it affects their attitudes. Here's Tony Fauci, the most political man in the most political city in America, telling you that going broke isn't really a big deal.

DR. FAUCI: I know it's difficult, but we're having a lot of suffering, a lot of death, this is inconvenient from an economic and a personal standpoint, but we just have to do it.
(end clip)

CARLSON: It's inconvenient, says Dr. Fauci? Remember when you respected that guy? Remember when he seemed like a legitimate public health expert? We do! He was on this show! We treated him like a physician! Now, it's clear he's just another oily politician on an ego trip, just like the rest of them.

In case you haven't been to a supermarket recently, Fauci is featured on the cover of In Style magazine, photographed by the pool. Man of science. What a buffoon.

But Fauci isn't suffering during the lockdown. He's loving it. Tony Fauci is enjoying the hell out of himself.

Guess what? That clip of Dr. Fauci our boy Tucker played? It was from April 2, 2020. A-P-R-I-L 2, 2-0-2-0.


He was answering a question from Savannah Guthrie about the idea of a 30-day lockdown to try to get the virus under control. Back in the beginning of April. He wasn't suggesting "going broke" was inconvenient. He was talking about a 30-day lockdown, which if everyone participated in, we KNOW would have crushed this virus, and PREVENTED our nation from the economic despair in which so many of us find ourselves! In the original interview, he followed up with, "That is our major weapon against this virus, right now." As in, a 30-day lockdown (starting on April 2, 2020) would be inconvenient and difficult, but it would be a major weapon against COVID-19.

And you know what? HE WAS RIGHT!

Carlson says, "Remember when we respected that guy?" Then he plays a clip of Fauci back from when Carlson says he respected "that guy," but pretends the clip is saying something completely different from what Fauci was actually saying! This is Goebbels-level propaganda, kids.

He calls Dr. Fauci a "buffoon" for being asked to pose on the cover of In Style magazine, and accepting. This is hilarious for several reasons, not the least of which is that Tucker wouldn't get asked to pose on the cover of Haircuts For 8th-Grade Boys or Men Who Secretly Jerk Off In The Mens' Room To Videos Of AOC, let alone In Style magazine. Never mind the fact that Dr. Fauci has probably forgotten more than Tucker Carlson will ever learn. But sure, Tucker. Dr. Fauci's the buffoon.

You can watch the original interview from April below, and the question Fauci is answering (that Carlson lies about) begins at the 1:20 mark.

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