'60 Minutes' Tonight: Bob Woodward Talks 'RAGE'

'60 Minutes' tonight features Bob Woodward talking about his new book 'RAGE' which made headlines last week. Trump gave Woodward eighteen interviews. Let's see what the author drops during his interview.

'60 Minutes' tonight features Bob Woodward talking about his new book 'RAGE,' which made headlines last week. Trump gave Woodward eighteen interviews; it will be interesting to see what the author drops during his talk.

On CBS '60 Minutes' Bob Woodward talks to correspondent Scott Pelley about his taped interviews with President Trump.

In the interview, Woodward says Donald Trump's failure to tell Americans the coronavirus's truth is a tragedy. The author and journalist talked to the president for this new book, 'Rage,' conducting nine hours of on-the-record interviews. Portions of these recordings made public last week, allowed millions of people to hear the president in his voice talk to Woodward about the deadly virus, race relations, and more.

The audio recordings revealed in the 'Rage' interviews are telling. Trump acknowledged the journalist who knew the coronavirus could be transmitted through the air and was five times more deadly than the flu, even as he was publicly downplaying the virus and even calling it a 'hoax.'

Woodward's interview on '60 Minutes' tonight at 7pm EST or live on CBS All Access (subscription or trial subscription required).
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