ACLU Report: GA Illegally Purged Hundreds Of Thousands Of Valid Voters

“On the one hand, I was deeply saddened and on the other side, not entirely surprised,” ACLU director Andrea Young told CNN

Georgia has been quietly and illegally purging hundreds of thousands of valid registered voters from the state rolls for the better half of a decade, according to a blockbuster report from the American Civil Liberties Union. Via HillReporter.com:

“Given our findings of what appears to be large-scale disenfranchisement of legitimate voters, our foundation has chosen, in the public interest, to make our findings available to the ACLU of Georgia for review in preparation for making our findings public. We have also created a website where Georgians may look up their names to check if they have been wrongly disenfranchised,” Greg Palast, the firm’s principal investigator, wrote to the ACLU on Monday.

Georgia ACLU Executive Director Andrea Young spoke to CNN following the report’s release.

“On the one hand, I was deeply saddened and on the other side, not entirely surprised,” Young told CNN, adding that Georgia’s voter roll management system is still “prone to tremendous error.”

[...] The results, published on Monday, are astonishing. Of the more than 300,000 names that were purged from the rolls – nearly four percent of the total number of registered voters in the state – the study discovered that “198,351 Georgia voters who supposedly moved from their registration addresses who, in fact, have not moved at all, and therefore were wrongly purged, a 63.3% error rate.” This is a conservative estimate, however, because the report “left out of this list those voters whose addresses we were unable to confirm,” the ACLU explains.

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