Bill Barr Lies: With Mail-In Ballots, There Will Be ‘Buying And Selling Votes’

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace tried to dismiss Attorney General Bill Barr as a “wannabe Sean Hannity” who has gone “full Caputo” with his vicious fear mongering about mail-in ballots but guest Tim O’Brien warned just how dangerous Barr is.

In a Chicago Tribune interview, Barr tried to blame the left as he deliberately sowed mistrust in our voting system:

“There’s no more secret vote with mail-in votes. A secret vote prevents selling and buying votes. So now we’re back in the business of selling and buying votes. Capricious distribution of ballots means (ballot) harvesting, undue influence, outright coercion, paying off a postman, here’s a few hundred dollars, give me some of your ballots,” the attorney general said.

This is not true, as CNN explains:

Rick Hasen, a University of California-Irvine, professor and one of the nation's top experts in election law, told CNN, "There is no validity to this claim and it shows once again that either AG Barr has not done even a rudimentary amount of research into how mail-in balloting actually works or he's deliberately obfuscating."

But in the same interview, Barr had the nerve to blame liberals for sowing mistrust in the election:

"You know liberals project,” Barr said. "All this bulls--- about how the president is going to stay in office and seize power? I’ve never heard of any of that crap. I mean, I’m the attorney general. I would think I would have heard about it. They are projecting. They are creating an incendiary situation where there will be loss of confidence in the vote.

On Deadline: White House, Wallace played some audio of the Barr interview. “This is not an institutionalist,” she said. “This is a wannabe Sean Hannity, who sounds as bat-bleep crazy as Mr. Caputo."

But as columnist and guest Tim O’Brien warned, Barr may sound bat-bleep crazy, but he’s also a sophisticated, “trench warfare” political operative out to reshape our democracy:

O’BRIEN: But remember, he's got a very clear goal here. Bill Barr has a monarchical view of the presidency. He sees Donald Trump as a blunt force instrument for reordering norms, laws and federal institutions to create a very powerful president who is unfettered by Congress and, to a certain extent, by the courts.

And so the stuff he’s saying isn’t just because it’s lunatic or because he’s got a shaky grasp on reality. Bill Barr is a sophisticated person, he's also a profound political operative and trench warfare professional.

And what he's trying to do is poison the well around mail-in voting. There's absolutely no evidence that mail-in voting is riddled with fraud. A number of red states have used it successfully for quite a long time as well as dozens of others. What Bill Barr is trying to do is poison the American dialogue to empower Donald Trump.

One other quote in the Chicago Tribune interview caught my eye. Barr reminisced about visiting Chicago during his prior tenure as attorney general (for Bush 41), saying, “I liked going to the Chop House, up to the second floor, drinking all night and eating my steaks.”

Drinking all night? Maybe that explains what the heck is wrong with him.

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