Carol Cadwalladr Explains Exactly How Facebook Is Destroying Democracy

The journalist warns that if Facebook was a country, it would be North Korea.

Carole Cadwalladr is Jeff Goldblum in every disaster movie, the scientist who's warning people but no one's listening.

And her latest warning is about Facebook.

It's progress that she was on Morning Joe today.

"Carol continues her investigations into the social media giant in a recent piece titled 'Facebook is out of control. If it were a country, it would be North Korea'. In that piece she argued there's no power on this earth capable of holding Facebook to account," Joe Scarborough said.

"She's organized a group of experts to analyze Facebook's content decisions, policies and other platform issues in the run up to the presidential election called 'the real Facebook oversight board.' Carol joins us now. thank you for being with us. Your Ted talk was extraordinary."

He went on to say that he has good friends in his hometown, "and yet when I talk to them about the 2020 election, they're on another planet. Not whether they're Donald Trump or Joe Biden, but just on the basic facts. And I really didn't understand that until I saw your Ted talk. You have the same experience when you went back to your hometown and everybody was talking about how horrible the EU was."

Cadwalladr said we are now living "in different realities, in different universes, and we can see very directly how Facebook has put us into these bubbles. And we know that -- we know that there is continuous stream of lies and misinformation that is being distributed now at this critical time in American democracy while people have already started voting. And I think it's incredibly alarming that people don't have access to basic facts anymore."

(I just want to remind people that Christopher Wylie, who wrote "Mindf*ck," was one of her major sources on the Cambridge Analytica story, and you really should read his book.)

Watch the rest of the interview. You can watch her Ted talk here:

And then, you'll probably want to watch this on Netflix. It's pretty shocking, but important:

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