CNN Host Hits Trump For 'Trying To Have It Both Ways' On Masks At MAGA Rallies

CNN's Ana Cabrera and Ryan Nobles hit Trump for the fact that the only people wearing masks at another one of his super-spreader rallies were the people on camera standing directly behind him.

While Fox chose to highlight Trump mocking Biden for social distancing at his events during yet another one of these super-spreader rallies in Middletown, Pennsylvania this Saturday -- as though his behavior is somehow humorous or something to be proud of -- the reporters over at CNN were appropriately appalled by the behavior.

While reporting on the rally, anchor Ana Cabrera and field reporter Ryan Nobles hit Trump for the fact that the only people wearing masks at the event were the people on camera standing directly behind him.

Cabrera also hit Trump for the lack of social distancing and masks at the Rose Garden event earlier that same day, where he announced his pick of Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court:

CABRERA: A crowd in Middletown, Pennsylvania, watching on a big screen as they awaited the president's trip there. He was making his way from Washington for tonight's rally. Now, any Supreme Court nomination is historic but few are as immediately consequential as this one. President Trump wants Judge Barrett to get confirmed quickly, as in before Election Day, for one reason, his helping a court skewed to the right would settle any election disputes.

As if a contentious election weren't enough, there's the pandemic. But you wouldn't know it from today's historic Rose Garden event, few masks, no social distancing, even Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar not practicing what he's been preaching about taking coronavirus precautions.

After Nobles discussed Trump touting his SCOTUS pick at the rally, Cabrera asked him to weigh in on the fact that they did see people wearing masks standing directly behind Trump, but not in the crowds.

CABRERA: As you wear your mask reminding us all about the pandemic that's still going on. We saw very few masks at the Rose Garden ceremony earlier. We see a few masks behind the president. But what are you seeing out there in the crowd, because, clearly, there isn't any social distancing?

NOBLES: You know, Ana, this is like every single one of these campaign events for President Trump, there is little to almost no regard for the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. There are thousands and thousands of people out here. They are packed in shoulder to shoulder. There are hardly any masks being worn.

And I should point out, Ana, you're right to make note of the fact that all of the people sitting behind President Trump are wearing masks.

They're basically the only ones at this rally aside from those of us on the press riser that are wearing masks. And that is a strategic ploy for the most part that's put out by the Trump campaign. They hand out those masks, they ask the people sitting behind the president to wear them. It does not reflect the rest of the crowd.

So you can -- it shows that the campaign realizes that there's a problem in terms of the optics of these crowds taking place. But yet they still attempt to at least show some sort of symbol of it happening, even though in reality that's not what's happening at all.

CABRERA: It's like they're trying to have it both ways. Ryan Nobles, thank you for your reporting.

I'm not sure why they're even bothering, because they're not fooling anyone who isn't already planning on voting for Trump and the death cult just doesn't care.

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