Fox Still Trying To Scare The Hell Out Of Old White Men On Social Security About The Dangers Of Socialism

Fox is so desperate to scare the hell out of all those seniors watching their network they know rely on social safety nets like Social Security that they have to resort to red baiting and conflating it with communism to do it.

You won't see anyone on Fox reporting on the fact that the Social Security trust fund could be depleted by 2023 if Trump has his way and eliminates the payroll tax—or that businesses weren't too hip on his plan and aren't going along with the payroll tax deferment that he attempted to force through by “executive order.”

Because, despite their constant warnings about “creeping socialism” coming to America and destroying life as we know it for everyone, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are extremely popular with seniors, who just happen to make up the majority of Fox's audience that has a median age of around 65 years of age.

That hasn't stopped Fox from running one segment after another like the one above, where they attempt to scare the hell out of the old men in their audience that Joe Biden is just going to be a puppet Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders and the progressive wing of the Democratic party, and conflating socialism with communism, as Fox Business host David Asman did on this Friday's Outnumbered on Fox News.

After showing Ocasio-Cortez being interviewed by a reporter and discussing her desire to see Biden pushed further to the left on issues like foreign policy, immigration and criminal justice, host Melissa Francis asked Asman whether there will be a “fight to the death behind the scenes” between the different wings of the party, here's Asman hoping that no one that watches Trump's propaganda network knows the difference between a democratic socialist and a communist:

ASMAN: There's a friend of ours, Robert Wolf, who is a Democrat, fully behind Joe Biden, who who is a moderate Democrat, and, you know, if it was Robert Wolf that was behind the scenes pulling the strings, I wouldn't have as much of a problem as if it turns out to be Bernie and AOC, because they are socialists, and they still believe that the government is responsible for everything—that we all have a right to everything in our lives, whether it's health care, whether it's higher education, whatever it is, including housing.

So, the problem is, if you rely on the government for everything, you eventually have no rights of your own, because you owe the government everything. If the government is responsible for everything you have, you owe the government everything, and therefore, you end up with no personal rights.

That's the fatal flaw of socialism. We saw that happen in the Soviet Union. We've see it happen everywhere where we have a socialist government, where if you have a right to everything, you end up with no rights at all. And it scares the hell out of me and I think it should scare everybody who is watching, who values and cherishes their own personal rights, because you end up with none if you end up with the policies pushed by Bernie and AOC.

I'd love to see a poll of Fox viewers and find out how many of them are down with getting rid of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, the Veterans Administration and all of those other horrible socialist policies that are destroying their “freedom.”

Anyone want to take a guess as to what the percentages would be?

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