Friday News Dump: FBI Director Testifies To Russia Election Meddling, And Other News

He was quickly contradicted by the Tweeter In Chief.

Anyone on social media knows that moment when you share something about which you have real expertise, and some know-nothing troll responds with "well, actually...." This was just like that. From FBI Director Chris Wray's testimony yesterday to Congress:

Wray also talked about antifa, and white supremacists:


"I don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people."

And now, onto the rest of the week's news...


This song pretty much sums up my life right now. My working-class neighborhood's getting gentrified, it's driving up the rents (an ART GALLERY just opened down the street!), I've outgrown my tiny apartment, the lot next to my building has been sold and they're going to rip down the trees and throw up five ugly modern boxes starting in the spring, instead of birds I'll be listening to jackhammers, and after almost 20 years back in the city, no, I really don't want to spend another fall in Philadelphia.

I want to move so bad, I can taste it. I just can't afford it.

I guess I have to face the fact as real
I think I feel my back up against the wall
I'm gonna spend another Fall In Philadelphia.

But on the bright side:

Have a nice weekend, wear your masks, and be kind to each other!

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