Joe Biden Blasts Trump: 'At Least We Know He Can Read'

The 2020 Democratic candidate for president had all the sharp sarcasm for Trump's criminal negligent homicide, and we are here for it.

We know Joe's got the jokes, but he also has the anger, and he is having more and more opportunity to combine them. The result is a pretty sharp and acerbic set of comebacks that make it hard for anyone — especially Trump — to frame the Democratic candidate as mentally addled.

Vice President Biden could barely contain his disgust when talking to Jake Tapper today about Trump's pathetic excuses for having lied to the American people about the seriousness and contagiousness of COVID-19. Tapper played some of the tapes recorded and released by Bob Woodward of Trump talking about what he knew as far back as January, and his intentional plan to downplay the virus publicly.

Tapper relayed to VP Biden that Trump said he downplayed it because "leadership is about confidence." That's when Biden let loose.

BIDEN: Yeah, that's why we have no confidence in his leadership. Look, I saw what Columbia Medical School pointed out in March. Had he acted one week earlier, there would be OVER 31,000 more people alive. Two weeks earlier, 50,000 still alive. This caused people to die. What did he do the whole time? He acknowledged you breathe it, it's in the air, and he won't put on a mask. He's talking about, it's ridiculous to put on a mask. What do you need social distancing for? Why have any of these rules? It was all about making sure the stock market didn't come down, that his wealthy friends didn't lose any money, and that he could say that, in fact, anything that happened had nothing to do with him. He waved a white flag, walked away. He didn't do a damn thing. Think about it. Think about what he did not do. It's almost criminal.

Almost? And nice play on words, Mr. Vice President...keep on going with your righteous angry self.

Then Tapper asked about the accounts of former defense secretary James Mattis and Dan Coats considering "collective action" against Trump, and their fears about Putin's hold on him. But Biden wasn't done with his outrage about Trump's lies that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.

BIDEN: I think what has just stunned everyone around him how corrupt his thinking is. I mean, think about this, remember he said under oath -- not under oath, I shouldn't say that, said to the American public, that he didn't get that briefing on how dangerous coronavirus was, he didn't get that from the intelligence committee, he never read the reports, he didn't have anything to do with that. He saw the reports. He knew them in detail. At least we know he can read.

Well, not so sure we can go quite THAT far, Mr. Vice President, but we know at least someone read it TO him. Or drew it for him. Regardless, the end result is that he KNEW, he LIED, and his actions resulted in thousands upon thousands of deaths.

Imagine a football stadium filled with 50,000 fans. What Trump did is the equivalent of barring the exits, closing the dome, and piping in poison gas until they all were dead. All so that his friends could get richer.

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