John Berman Cuts Off Trump Spokesman For Pushing Airplane Conspiracy
Berman asked if Trump wasn't just regurgitating an online conspiracy theory.
This went on a lot longer than this clip, but CNN's John Berman absolutely refused to let Trump spokesman Tim Murtaugh get away with validating the wacky conspiracy theory Trump told Laura Ingraham about the Men In Black flying into the RNC convention to do nefarious deeds.
"These people are coming from other places. How do you suppose they travel? Who is putting them in hotels?" Murtaugh insisted.
"How do they have this information?"
"You're welcome to grill me, John. You're welcome to grill me. Have you ever asked Joe Biden why he hasn't denounced antifa?"
Berman didn't budge.
"Tim, you're not answering the question. Was there a flight, Tim? Can you point me to a flight the president talked about twice?"
"How do you suppose they arrived in Washington, John, if not from an airplane? How do you suppose 102 people arrested in Wisconsin not from the area? 80% of the protesters arrested in Minneapolis not from the area. Did they miracle themselves there?"
Ha, ha!
"Tim, Tim, Tim, stop, stop, let me ask a question here. All right. As you have so far not confirmed any specific flight either coming to or leaving Washington the president mentioned, let me point out to you that this mirrors this conspiracy theory circulating online since June, a police department looked into this idea people are being moved around the country in flights wearing all kinds of black t-shirts.
"Is it possible the president read this and he's just regurgitating and getting details wrong? Is that possible?"
"Look, Rand Paul told a similar story and congressional hearings have been called into look into who is funding outrageous riots -- by the way, Joe Biden has not identified as left wing riots because that's what they are. He's too weak to stand up to the left wing of his party and denounce these riots for what they are because he's absolutely in the control of the anti-police wing of today's Democrat party."
Berman cut him off.
"Call us when you have information about these flights that the president has mentioned twice because as of now -- "
"Call me when you will admit these are left wing rioters coming from outside the region when riots are occurring."