Kilmeade: You Can't Blame Trump For Violence Because No One Blamed Obama

Brian Kilmeade exhibits a short and selective memory, claiming that "no one could possibly blame Obama" for the Pulse nightclub shooting so don't blame Trump for today's violence. But we've got Fox and Friends archives here at C&L!

Well this is just PRECIOUS.

On Tuesday's Fox and Friends, Brian Kilmeade exhibited a short and selective memory, claiming that "no one could possibly blame Obama" for the Pulse nightclub shooting so don't blame Trump for today's violence.

KILMEADE: If you're gonna condemn President Trump for what happens -- in the entire country, during a 3 1/2 years -- then you've gotta take responsibility for the Orlando club shooting, for what happened in Sandy Hook, everything that took place ... no one would possibly blame Obama.

Orlando Club Shooting:

And on Sandy Hook, just don't get me started. You can google Orly Taitz and Alex Jones for yourself.

Who is stupider, Brian Kilmeade or viewers who believe Brian Kilmeade?

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