If You're Over 65, Donald Trump Doesn't Care If You Die

New Lincoln Project Ad : Share this one with your friends and family.

I just want to say that I knew exactly what Trump meant when he said this: He doesn't care about the people who died of covid because to him, they're nobodies.

And of course, a lot of them are Black and brown. Which makes them even more invisible to the Narcissist In Chief.

Here's the text of the newest Lincoln Project ad:

Donald Trump says COVID-19- affects virtually nobody.

80% of COVID-19 deaths are over age 65.

[Trump] It affects virtually nobody.

[Narrator] That's over 160,000 dead Americans over age 65.

[Trump] It affects virtually nobody.

[Narrator] If you're over age 65,

Donald Trump doesn't care if you die.

Do you? (heart monitor beeping)

[Trump] Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody.

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