One America News Now Selling Cute QAnon Emojis For Its YouTube Channel

The MAGA news network now trying to appeal to fringe QAnon supporters.

Trying to entice QAnon supporters to subscribe with cute emojis is an interesting, if perverse marketing strategy. The Daily Beast notes that most of the emojis at OAN feature Trump, Trump rallies, even the Mr Pillow guy, but a few now have specific Q-related themes.

Source: Daily Beast

Pro-Trump cable network One America News is selling QAnon emojis on its YouTube channel, cashing in on the conspiracy movement that the FBI considers a potential source of domestic terrorrism.

OAN viewers who pay $4.95 a month to become “members” of the OAN channel on YouTube can use customized QAnon emojis in OAN’s comment sections, in an apparent attempt to win over QAnon believers.

OAN’s sale of the right to use custom QAnon emojis in its comment stream is yet another illustration of how deep QAnon has become integrated into conservative media and, relatedly, the Republican Party, which now has two Senate candidates and several House nominees endorsing the conspiracy theory.

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