Our Pavlovian Press Really Misses Bashing Hillary, So They Go After Pelosi Instead

The media has learned nothing, NOTHING at all from 2016.

I've been trying to figure out how to show what a bunch of trained seals we have in the national press without amplifying their idiocy, but oh well.

What is it now, 186,000 dead from coronavirus? Naturally, Trump would try to change the subject from his breathtakingly incompetent response to this pandemic. Of course he would.

But you would think the press would know better than to rise to the bait. You would be wrong.

At her press briefing yesterday, Kelly McEnany played a loop of security footage of Nancy Pelosi in a San Francisco salon. (Pelosi was there to get her hair done, she's not wearing a mask just then because you take it off when they wash your hair to keep the mask from getting wet. Her hair is obviously wet.)

We also know the salon owner hates Pelosi and decided to set her up after a stylist asked for her okay to work on her. Now she's lying about it. And as it turns out, she herself was violating the shutdown order since April, and working on clients without PPE.

And now, of course, there's a GoFundMe for the poor lying salon owner. Well, less money for Trump.

But that's not the bad part. Nope. Our librul media snapped at the bait, because they really miss knocking around old white lady Democrats, and with Hillary out of the spotlight, what's a misogynist press to do with such a silly story? Why, play it to the hilt, that's what!

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