Rachel Offers Advice To Those Overwhelmed By The News: Take Care Of Yourself

"If you are feeling overwhelmed by the news and by the state of things and how everything feels so bad in so many ways all at once, do not judge yourself for having those feelings. What it means is that you're awake and cognizant of the real world right now. Take care of yourself."

After reading off several minutes of increasingly awful headlines from today's news stories, even MSNBC host Rachel Maddow got exasperated with it all.

RACHEL MADDOW: I mean the headlines right now... And the political news is like bombshell after bombshell after bombshell, scandal after scandal after scandal, but it's everything, right? If you are feeling overwhelmed by the news and by the state of things and how everything feels so bad in so many ways all at once, do not judge yourself for having those feelings. What it means is that you're awake and cognizant of the real world and how it really is right now. Take care of yourself.

via The Maddow Blog

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