Rep. Val Demings: 'Trump Threw Fire' On Racial Unrest

Martha Raddatz tried to blame Joe Biden for not stopping the ongoing racial unrest. Rep. Val Demings was not having any of that.

Martha Raddatz tried really hard to put the blame for ongoing racial unrest on Joe Biden, but Rep. Val Demings was having none of it. Because how can a man who is not President be responsible??? The blame belongs squarely with Donald Trump. And Demings made that point crystal clear.

RADDATZ: A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll shows 55 percent of voters think President Trump's rhetoric on the protests is making things worse, but 49 percent say Biden's response to the protests isn't having any impact one way or another.

What does he need to do for his messaging to break through? It's something we saw along the trail this week.

DEMINGS: Well, let me say this. President Donald John Trump is the commander in chief. And so the buck stops with him.

And I said, weeks ago, that while America was going through civil unrest in all 50 states, quite frankly, America was on fire, we had a president, a commander-in-chief who with us walking around with a gasoline can, not trying to sow peace and calm, but actually throwing fire on an already volatile situation.

I believe that Vice President Biden is on the right track. You've heard him talk about peaceful protests, but he's also talked about accountability, regardless of who those involved in violence should be held accountable. And he also talked about supporting good police officers as we should all do, but also holding the bad ones accountable. That's how we're going to get to the place where we need to get.

Why is Martha Raddatz holding the Democratic CANDIDATE for President to a higher standard than the ACTUAL PRESIDENT? I do not understand this line of questioning. This feeds right into the insane ads from the Trump campaign that show imagery from America RIGHT NOW and insinuate "this is what America will be like under Joe Biden". HELLO - THIS IS AMERICA NOW!

Demings put the blame right where it belongs - the actual person in office. Biden is not responsible for the unrest and racial tensions. That is 100% on Donald Trump.

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