Republicans Are 'Jeniuses': Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith Edition

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith ran a campaign ad featuring nothing but stock footage...of not one single American.

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith isn't very bright, is she? Normally we shouldn't punch down on people whose intellect is smaller than a flea's pygidium but this person in particular is seeking a seat of substantial power — re-election as a U.S. Senator from Mississippi. Therefore, she is all but asking for it when she is a member of a party seeking to increase the suffering of millions of Americans, and runs a campaign ad claiming to represent all Mississippians, using footage of not one single American, let alone a Mississipian.

Isn't that adorable?

I mean, why are they so BAD at this?

Meanwhile, her Democratic opponent, Mike Espy, released his third campaign ad, in which he assured people in the introductory tweet that he, at least, used actual Americans in his ad. Bonus: they're even from Mississippi!

Normally, it's the GOP that has the reputation for winning the messaging war, but in this case, I'm calling it for Mike Espy and the Dems.

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