Right-Wing Flips Out As Drudge Promotes 'Trump Is Going To Jail' Article
Two articles in New York Magazine today point out that Trump faces criminal charges once he's out of office. Then Drudge promotes one of them. Republicans in disarray!
Two articles in New York Magazine today point out that Donald J. Trump is in deep legal trouble:
Jonathan Chait's "Lock Him Up?"
That Trump made it to 2017 without being personally convicted of a crime is itself a testament to the ineffectiveness of white-collar-criminal-law enforcement. That Trump has not been charged since taking office is owed to the privileges of being president of the United States. Because the Justice Department has a policy against charging the president with crimes, it did not indict him for the same crime Cohen went to jail for — even though Trump had ordered Cohen to commit it. The same protection held back Robert Mueller from officially describing the many actions Trump had taken to obstruct the FBI’s investigation as “obstruction of justice.” And his standing as president has allowed him to keep his tax returns out of the hands of New York prosecutors.
But at some point, the impunity will end. The law is coming.
...and Jeff Wise's "The People V. Donald J. Trump"
It may seem unlikely that Trump will ever wind up in a criminal court. His entire life, after all, is one long testament to the power of getting away with things, a master class in criminality without consequences, even before he added presidentiality and all its privileges to his arsenal of defenses. As he himself once said, “When you’re a star, they let you do it.” But for all his advantages and all his enablers, including loyalists in the Justice Department and the federal judiciary, Trump now faces a level of legal risk unlike anything in his notoriously checkered past — and well beyond anything faced by any previous president leaving office.
...State laws aren’t subject to presidential pardons, and they cover a host of crimes beyond those committed in the White House. When it comes to charging a former president, state attorneys general and county prosecutors can go places a U.S. Attorney can’t.
Such scorn from the mainstream press obviously yields chants of "fake news!" from Trump acolytes.
And then Matt Drudge promotes one of the articles.
That leads to a meltdown, starting with Mark Levin and of course ending with you-know-who: