Stable Genius's Last 'Rage' Call With Bob Woodward Was As Bad As You Think

My Hopes Are Up When I Read A Headline Like ‘Nothing more could have been done’: Trump’s final phone call to Woodward...

‘Last Cigarette’ or ‘Final Meal’ would have put me over the moon, but alas, that’s for another day.

Anyway, it is an extraordinary phone call.

Essentially Lord Damp Nut tries to convince Woodward that the economy is roaring back and therefore the Trump-Virus doesn’t matter:

Trump finally asked: “So you think the virus totally supersedes the economy?”
“Oh sure. But they’re related, as you know,” Woodward responded.
“A little bit, yeah,” Trump replied.
“Oh, a little bit?” Woodward asked.
“I mean, more than a little bit. But the economy is doing — look, we’re close to a new stock market record,” Trump said.

He still doesn’t get it.

In another part of the conversation, Woodward told Trump there are parts of the book the President won’t like. “It’s a tough book,” he said, adding that it’s “close to the bone.”
“You know the market’s coming back very strong, you do know that,” Trump responded to Woodward.
“Yes, of course,” Woodward said.
“Did you cover that in the book?” Trump asked.

Look, there’s only one conclusion you can draw: Prznint Stupid only sees two things that matter in this world: 1) Himself and B) money. That’s it. There is nothing more in his world view.

UPDATE: (Frances Langum): Above, Stephen Colbert asks Woodward about why he didn't expose Trump's lies about COVID back in February.

COLBERT: “Trump told you on February 7 that the virus is “More deadly than even the strenuous flus” meaning the worst seasons we have in the United States. So February 26, less than three weeks later, he says to the public, this is a flu, this is like a flu. He actually says it’s like just an average flu that we have. How does it feel to know — some people have criticized you and said why didn’t Bob Woodward tell us what the truth was here?

WOODWARD: I believe that that’s, a, not necessary because we actually knew what the truth was.

Aaaaand...he wanted to sell books in September and not burn his relationship with the subject that early.

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