Steve Martin Helps People With Mask Issues

Wearing masks doesn't have to be confusing for the people who interact with you. Steve Martin is such a helpful person!

There are so many reasons people are uncomfortable wearing a mask, but no one was really addressing the pain of the narcissist, whose fear of not being noticed or recognized can be tragically debilitating. Who was talking about this? WHO, I ASK YOU?

Well, fear not, you people who need to always be seen and acknowledged in public...fear not. Steve Martin has the answer.

Steve Martin, doing the work of the lord, right here. Twitter agreed.

Some people had trouble following the instructions:

But most understood the purpose of the tweet:

Some took the opportunity to appreciate other gifts Steve Martin gives us:

Including an Ice T/Steve Martin interaction, which probably no one had on their 2020 Batsh*t Crazy Bingo Card:

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