Trump Advisors: Teflon Don Is Okay As Long As Anonymous Sources Stay Quiet

That's what Trump campaign officials told Jim Acosta about Trump calling the military "losers" and "suckers."

Anderson Cooper interviewed Jim Acosta last night, who says the Trump campaign feels they've made it through the Atlantic story unscathed.

"The White House fallout from the article that quoted multiple sources saying President Trump disparaged Americans that fought in wars, calling them losers and suckers. What are you learning about what advisors are saying about the Atlantic story?" Cooper asked.

Acosta said advisors aren't that worried, unless the sources go public.

"I talked to one advisor this evening who said if these sources were going to come forward, they would have done so by now and another advisor said, 'You know, if you have somebody like retired General John Kelly, retired General James Mattis, not saying they are the sources for the story but if somebody like that, a marquee name like that were to come out and speak against the president, it would have some impact.

"At this point, they believe the president will be able to weather this storm unless of course there is some other drop. I'll say there is a recognition inside Trump World that this was damaging to the president. One advisor likened this Atlantic story to the Access Hollywood video in 2016," Acosta said.

"Yeah, earlier today there was reporting the president himself was rattled by what came out in the Atlantic," Cooper said.

"Absolutely. That's what we're hearing from our sources that the president was definitely stressed out about this, and saw this as potentially damaging among veterans and military voters," Acosta said.

"That is a key voting block for the president. We see the president talking to those kinds of voters all the time and when I was at the press conference, the Labor Day press conference with the president yesterday you could see the disgust written all over his face. He obviously was in a mood to lash out. That is where the president gets into trouble as we saw yesterday. "

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