Trump Promises Regular Date For Fox & Friends, But Doocy Wants To See Other People (UPDATED)

"Joe Biden as well, is always welcome to join us for 47 minutes like we just did with the president," Steve Doocy said.

So after a nearly hour-long interview with Brian Kilmeade on this morning's Fox & Friends, Kilmeade promises Trump, "We're going to do it every week."

“I look forward to it, yeah we’re doing it every Monday, I think and if we can’t do it on a Monday we’ll do it on a Tuesday like we did today,” Trump replied.

But Steve Doocy put the brakes on.

“You may want to do it every week, but Fox is not committed to that, we’ll take it on a case-by-case basis, and Joe Biden as well, is always welcome to join us for 47 minutes like we just did with the president. All right, Donald Trump, president of the United States.”

Look at Brian Kilmeade's face after Doocy says it.

Ouch. It's like telling your girlfriend you'll pick her up for the school dance, and she tells you she has to wash her hair that night.

Maybe the Prom King isn't as popular as he used to be.

UPDATE: Did Trump spill a secret deal with Fox News? Tommy Christopher thinks so.

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