Buttigieg: 'Court Packing' Is Just A Distraction From Health Care

Chris Wallace brought up Supreme Court 'court packing' and Pete Buttigieg made it clear that the focus needed to be shifted.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and one of Joe Biden's absolute best surrogates, was on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace when the shiny new object of Supreme Court "Packing" was brought up. This is literally the only thing the right wing has latched onto in recent weeks as a counter to the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, the Handmaid's Tale nominee who will absolutely drag the court so far right that women will be relegated to 2nd class citizenhood, gay people will lose rights and everyone who has Obamacare will probably lose it.

Buttigieg did a great job deflecting the question and refocusing it on what really matters:

"We don't want to allow this POTUS to change the subject... the preexisting condition coverage of millions of Americans might depend on what is about to happen in the Senate... my marriage might depend on [it]"

People LOVE Pete on FOX:

As many have suggested, Pete will be an excellent member of a Biden administration. He is gifted at talking to anyone and everyone, from both sides of the aisle, to the media to the public. That is a true gift. Like this:

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