Chris Cuomo Lays Into The 'Covidiot' In The White House
"He returned to a cluster and took his mask off. That is, covidiocy, he is a cov-idiot. You are disrespecting the president? No. He disrespected the presidency."
Cuomo went on a long harangue about the COV-IDIOT in the White House last night, well over fifteen minutes straight, at one point saying of Trump, "he's like a drunk driver telling you to go out there and drive drunk."
Source: Mediaite
CNN’s Chris Cuomo absolutely torched Donald Trump’s latest spin about the coronavirus pandemic, calling out as “bullshit” the president’s claims that contracted the virus because he is a “leader” and not because his White House recklessly and intentionally ignored mask wearing and other public health guidelines.
As he began his Monday night show, Cuomo rolled video of Trump’s highly orchestrated arrival back at the White House after three days in Walter Reed Medical Center, where the still-infected president ostentatiously removed his mask for a photo op before entering the building with his mask off, a moment that was quickly turned into a PR video.
CHRIS CUOMO: “There he is reshooting the scene for his own ad,” Cuomo noted before adopting a Trump persona. “I hold rallies and I tell you to ignore masks and I rip mine off as I vanquish the virus, for I am a leader. Fear not, Covid!”
“What a bunch of BULLSHIT!” Cuomo railed.
“If you want to know the reality, the truth, okay, the virus is the truth,” Cuomo added. “The virus doesn’t care about left and right. The virus does what’s reasonable. You give me a chance I will spread. You keep away from me, you don’t give me a chance. I run out of hosts. I die. I’m the truth. If you are doing the right thing, you don’t see me that much. If you are doing the wrong thing, you do. The White House is literally what we fear the most, a rash of contagion called a cluster.”
“Now they have to quarantine,” Cuomo noted of the Secret Service agents caught up in Trump’s basking in adulation. “He doesn’t give a damn. And now, I do not have to feign any extra measure of compassion. He returned to a cluster and took his mask off. That is, covidiocy, he is a cov-idiot. You are disrespecting the president? No. He disrespected the presidency. All that is left is the residue of outrage. That’s the only emotion I have.”