'Court Packing' ? Once Again, Media Lapdogs Take The GOP Bait
"Our national political press corps acts like Mitch McConnell is their assignment editor."
Here was the NPR headline yesterday: "Biden Campaign Continues To Deflect On Court-Packing".
The story is not "VP Refuses To Commit To Peaceful Transfer Of Power," nor are there many followup stories about Trump's taxes.
There are not even headlines about Trump's descent into steroid-addled craziness. They're like trained dogs: The GOP presents the bait, and members of the media bark. They not only haven't learned anything from 2016, they haven't changed since the Bush era.
They can't even go back a few years to point out that the GOP is lying -- again.
Pete Buttigeig understands why this Supreme Court fight is so important. He quotes Thomas Jefferson:
“We might as well ask a man to wear the coat which fitted him as a boy, as expect future generations to live under the regime of their barbarous ancestors.”
Smart people don't take the bait:
So let's be clear: Under Obama, Republicans obstructed the routine appointment of federal judges, leaving those seats open for Trump.
This resulted in a heavy concentration of right-wing radical judges in approximately 200 seats.
Democrats aren't talking about court packing. They're talking about reform. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.