GOP State Rep Teaches 5-Year-Old Son To Smoke Cigar And Be A Sexist Pig -- On Camera

Republican Aaron Bernstine also made fun of disabled children by calling one child "Jerry" as in Jerry Lewis's kids with Muscular Dystophy. He did this on camera and posted it to social media.

Family Values, Y'all:

GOP Pa. state rep. shared Snapchat videos enticing son, 5, to smoke cigar: ‘hit it harder’

Republican state Rep. Aaron Bernstine shared video clips this summer on his now-deleted Snapchat account in which he encourages his 5-year-old son to puff on a cigar and use profane language — and plays an adult-themed game with another youngster.

In one video obtained by the USA TODAY Network, Bernstine, R-10, New Beaver, Lawrence County, is behind the camera, but his hand is shown holding a cigar and offering it to his son.

A second video has Bernstine again off camera asking his son, “What are we going to chase in Nashville?” The boy replies in a whisper, “Cadillac p—-,” using a vulgar term for vagina.

As they say, you aren’t born prejudiced, you have to be trained. Same goes for misogyny, etc. , so good job, Father of the Year Aaron Bernstine. You must be so proud.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors

UPDATE (Frances Langum): He promises to "do better"? Dude, you FILMED it. Can't fix stupid.

He also made fun of the disabled on social media.

He also declared on social media that he would drive his car through protestors:

Even the Republican Party of Pennsylvania wants you to quit.

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