Idaho Republicans Appear In Anti-Pandemic Measures Video

The video included the Lt. Governor among others GOP lawmakers decrying measures by the Brad Little, the Republican Governor of Idaho, to counter the recent alarming spike in Covid cases.

I was wondering if this was parody when Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin showed up about twenty seconds in, driving a pick-up truck, and putting her handgun on the bible to reaffirm her commitment to freedom, but no it isn't. Later, when they got to the part where they say, "The fact that a pandemic may or may not be occurring changes nothing about the meaning or intent of the state constitution in the preservation of our inalienable rights" and you just want to throw your hands up in despair. With elected officials such as this bunch of morons, Idaho seems destined to fail, as their current plight with Covid-19 shows.

Source: Idaho Spokesman-Review

Several Idaho lawmakers appeared in an Idaho Freedom Foundation video published Tuesday in which they question the existence of the coronavirus pandemic and state that they will ignore any state or local emergency orders that they claim violate their rights.

The video features cameos from Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, state representatives Tammy Nichols, R-Middleton; Dorothy Moon, R-Stanley; Bryan Zollinger, R-Idaho Falls; Christy Zito, R-Hammett; Chad Christensen, R-Ammon; Priscilla Giddings, R-White Bird; Tony Wisniewski, R-Post Falls and Heather Scott, R-Blanchard; as well as Ron Nate, R-Rexburg, and Karey Hanks, R-St. Anthony, both of whom are unopposed for election to the House in November. The lawmakers’ script is a “declaration to Idaho residents and officials” that the Idaho Freedom Foundation published on its website in early October.

Hundreds of people, including the lawmakers in the video, have signed on to the declaration, which says it was “ratified by the people of Idaho October 1, 2020.”

The declaration focuses on public health and emergency orders related to the coronavirus pandemic. The Republican lawmakers and IFF claim that the safety measures are infringing on Idahoans’ rights.

And here's their "declaration"....that they're dangerous idiots.

We, the people of the state of Idaho, reaffirm our solemn commitment to the foundational principles that have made America the greatest country in the world. As noted in our state constitution and restated here, we remain grateful to Almighty God for our freedom.

We recognize that all of us are “by nature free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, pursuing happiness and securing safety.”

The fact that a pandemic may or may not be occurring changes nothing about the meaning or intent of the state constitution in the preservation of our inalienable rights.

Despite this, in direct contravention of Idaho’s founding principles, state and local public officials have, for months, denied the people of our state basic and fundamental rights by issuing a long procession of emergency orders and edicts that have denied people freedom of movement, assembly, religion, possession and enjoyment of property, and the pursuit of happiness. This has been allowed to go on for too long.

By this letter, we demand an end to the emergency orders issued by state and local government officials and the restoration of our constitutionally-protected rights. We further resolve that any order issued in the future will be ignored, unless those orders recognize, honor, and uphold, without reservation or equivocation, our God-given rights.

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