Jaime Harrison Debates Lindsey Graham From Behind His Own Plexiglass Shield
The closely watched race in South Carolina just got a lot tougher for the incumbent Senator Lindsey Graham, as Harrison knocked him out in the debate.
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is facing quite the challenge in the form of Democrat Jaime Harrison, who's gunning hard for his Senate seat. They're tied in the polls, and Harrison is raking in the bucks from all over the nation. Not only that, but Harrison is only doing exactly what Graham has insisted we all do: use his own words against him — in a debate between the two candidates that took place last night.
The best part? Harrison did it from behind a plexiglass shield that he brought himself to protect himself and others since the candidates and moderators wouldn't be wearing masks, and Graham had had contact with people who have tested positive for COVID-19.
Graham seemed as if it was an affront for him to even have to appear at the debate to defend his atrocious record. Mr. Harrison spoke this morning to Maria Teresa Kumar on AM Joy, saying, "I told folks that Lindsey Graham was going to try to scare them to vote for him and support him, but I was trying to inspire people to vote for me and I think we accomplished our goal last night."
Kumar asked him about Graham's declaring that the nation needs to "move on" from COVID-19, even as Trump is in Walter Reed with the virus as we speak. Harrison responded,
Kumar played a clip of Graham "griping" about how much money Harrison was bringing in, sounding super aggrieved that people don't seem to like him:
Harrison laughed and wondered how the senior Senator from South Carolina, and the Judiciary Committee Chair can be having so much trouble raising money. He wondered why it was okay for Graham to crow about his donations when he was getting them at the campaign's start, but now he's complaining that Harrison is receiving donations of his own.
I'll go even further. Everything Graham said in that last quote is completely accurate, with the exception of trying to destroy Kavanaugh's life. People DO hate Graham. Partly because he stood up for Kavanaugh. Largely because he is Trump's lapdog. And Republicans who see Trump for what he is ARE at least considered less intellectually dishonest than the rest of the GOP, who tolerate, support and glorify everything he does so that they can cement their power with judicial appointments. So, yes, in my mind, the only good Republican IS the one that tries to undercut Trump.
The difference between me and Graham is that he thinks all that is a BAD thing, and I think it's the very least I can do.
Twitter was mesmerized by this debate that was only carried on CSPAN.
Jaime Harrison Brings Plexiglass Barrier to South Carolina Senate Debate to Separate Himself From Lindsey Graham https://t.co/B8wKDdqgtx via @mediaite
— Sarah Rumpf (@rumpfshaker) October 4, 2020
Wouldn’t you?
You don’t know where Lindsey’s been. https://t.co/TcqwviLWnD— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) October 4, 2020
I just watched the 'highlights' from the Harrison/Graham debate.
Harrison absolutely shines.
Graham looks like someone who has never debated before & comes across as someone shocked that anyone would challenge the position he believes is his birthright, especially a black man.— Rob Cavanaugh🇺🇸 (@CavanaughRj) October 4, 2020
In case you’re not watching the Harrison/Graham debate, Lindsey just proposed that us older folks take less in social security benefits to save the program. As opposed to making big business and billionaires pay their fair share.
— Fed up in Illinois (@mickivoss) October 4, 2020
There's two more Harrison-Graham debates before election day.
— David Darmofal (@david_darmofal) October 4, 2020
The #DebateCommission should pay attention to the moderator of the @CSPAN debate between Harrison & Graham. She is doing an incredible job of managing this debate. Kudos to her.
— Debra Isaacs Schafer (@DebraISchafer) October 4, 2020