Jake Tapper Warns Us: Trump Will Be Slinging Mud Hard For The Next 12 Days
Jake Tapper warns about Trump's sleaze. It's a good rant, and about time. Thanks, Jake.
Don't say you weren't warned. The next week and a half promises to be Trump delivering nothing but SLIME.
It used to be people would be negative and you could always say, well, don't forget the campaign against Dukakis or historians like Beschloss would come on, say they had pamphlets that accused one of being -- the Trump ally websites and such are leveling with charges so heinous I'm not going to say them, nonsense, crap, tied into Qanon, Pizzagate, tied into a person, with no evidence, just completely made up. It's so disgusting and so beneath what this election should be, and I just want viewers at home to be ready because all of their grandparents' Facebook feeds and all of the Twittersphere, it's going to be so heinous over the next 11 days. People should be prepared for it. The president leaned into some of it, generally to some of the sleazier baseless allegations, not the worst, but it's going to get a lot worse.
This won't work, Donald. Eric Levitz in New York Magazine explains:
...in the 2020 general election, Trump needs to communicate with those who live outside the Fox News Cinematic Universe and are not acquainted with its deep mythology. And his self-assigned mission on Thursday night — to reengineer the 2016 campaign’s twist ending by introducing a hazily defined, email-centric corruption scandal into the mix — only pulled him further into the weeds of the far-right fever swamp. Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” has been a fixture of conservative media for weeks now. But unlike in 2016, the mainstream press has declined to take interest in the right’s ill-substantiated smear of this year’s Democratic nominee. This is in part because Hunter-gate is thin gruel, even for those used to consuming Rudy Giuliani’s cooking.