Javanka Threatens To Sue Never-Trumpers Group Over Times Square Ads

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have threatened to sue The Lincoln Project over their Times Square billboards, which paint them as exactly the cavalier accomplices to murder that they are.

Citing the fantasy that exists in her mind only that once Daddy is re-elected, he will singlehandedly tear up all those pesky Constitutional amendments (hey! kidding!) Ivanka Trump and her perpetually pre-pubescent hubby, Jared threatened to sue The Lincoln Project for ads that paint them exactly as they are — complicit in the deaths of nearly quarter of a million Americans from COVID-19. The ads are placed prominently in Times Square. One quotes Kushner's statement that New Yorkers deserve to suffer, and the other has Ivanka smiling vapidly while gesturing to the gruesome death statistics from the pandemic.

Raw Story reported that the couple's attorney, Marc Kasowitz wrote a letter stating the ads are false and defamatory, and, “If these billboards are not immediately removed, we will sue you for what will doubtless be enormous compensatory and punitive damages."

This all has a very "Do you know who my Daddy is?" (and a "Do you know who my wife's Daddy is?")
feel to it, no?

Fear not. The Lincoln Project is not intimidated. They soon issued a devastating statement in response.

"We fully intend on making this civics lesson as painful as possible."

Please see to it that the civic lesson includes a unit on the criminal justice system and jail terms.

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