John Oliver: Why Pulling Out Of The WHO During Pandemic Is The Worst Possible Idea

The country’s membership in the WHO is yet another important thing on the ballot this year.

John Oliver last night talked about the dangers of Trump announcing the U.S. will withdraw from the World Health Organization. Via Deadline:

“It is fine if the US has problems with the WHO — it has problems,” explains Oliver. “But the solution clearly isn’t to walk away. It’s to try and fix them but the only way for the U.S. to have a say in how that happens is to have a seat at the table and we’re about to give that up.”

He continued, “This is yet another depressing example of Trump seeing something that involves shared sacrifice, trade-offs and complexity.. he decides to just blow up because he doesn’t understand it, doesn’t care or both.”

The U.S. is set to withdraw from WHO July 6, 2021 — but that is if Trump is re-elected. The country’s membership in the WHO is yet another important thing on the ballot this year.

“If the coronavirus shown us anything, it's that diseases don’t recognize borders and we’re only as strong as our worst prepared country,” said Oliver. “Pulling out of the WHO at any time, but especially in the midst of pandemic that has killed over 200,000 Americans and a million people around the world, is one of the most ill-advised, dumbest things we can possibly do — and I mean that f**king literally.”

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